Dr. Frei completed her pre-pharmacy coursework at Texas A & M University in College Station, TX and graduated with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from The University of Texas at Austin in 2001. She pursued post-graduate education as the inaugural class of a combined Master’s Degree program and specialty pharmacotherapy residency under the mentorship of Robert L. Talbert, Pharm.D. Dr. Frei was appointed as a Clinical Instructor with The University of Texas College of Pharmacy and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Her thesis project, “Investigation of Pulmonary and Oral Delivery of Itraconazole Produced by Evaporative Precipitation into Aqueous Solution (EPAS) and Spray Freezing into Liquid (SFL) Technology in a Murine Model,” was awarded the University of Texas at Austin Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award. Dr. Frei has presented several research posters at national meetings and been a finalist for Best Resident Poster. After completion of her training, she accepted a position at the Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital in San Antonio, TX to provide pharmaceutical care in the field of oncology to our nation’s veterans. During the four years Dr. Frei was at the VA hospital, she precepted students and residents and was responsible for the pharmacy aspects of oncology research protocols.
Dr. Frei is a member of several professional organizations, including the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She serves on several national committees within the respective organizations. She is also a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist and Board Certified Oncology Specialist. Her areas of interest include anticoagulation, breast cancer, anemia, pain, and palliative and supportive care of patients receiving treatment for cancer. Her pharmacy practice site is UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Frei’s practice has an emphasis on breast cancer treatment.