Linda Etter
Secretary To Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Phone: (210) 883-1020 Email: etter@uiwtx.eduLinda Etter came to UIW in 1997, with a background in commercial real estate management and 25+ years of administrative support experience. She initially worked for the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and moved with him as he became Provost and then Chancellor. Upon the Chancellor’s retirement, she worked for the Dean of the School of Optometry during the start-up of that school. She then transferred to the Feik School of Pharmacy in January 2010, working with the Associate Dean and assuming the duties of Academic Affairs Secretary.
Ms. Etter’s favorite role is “Nana” to her three young grandsons, and she enjoys visiting them and her daughter and son-in-law at their home in the country. Her daughter Leslie is a proud graduate of UIW, and the first student to graduate from the Computer Graphic Arts program.
Ms. Etter was very involved with the work of Dr. Terry Dicianna, then Provost, in starting the new School of Pharmacy and hiring our founding Dean, Dr. Johnson-Fannin. Therefore, it was with a great deal of pleasure and a sense of “coming home” that she joined the Feik School of Pharmacy.