Spring MedDropSA
The next MedDropSA event will be held May 20, 2017 from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. a Brooks City Base, 8261 Boyle Road.
MedDropSA is the safe, easy way to dispose of unwanted and expired over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Simply bring any unwanted medicines along with other household hazardous waste items to the City of San Antonio's mobile collection events. Medications will be accepted at NO CHARGE, and disposed of in a safe, legal way – keeping these drugs off our streets and out of the environment.
- DO bring unused or expired prescription medications
- as well as out-of-date or unwanted over-the-counter medications.
- DO bring pills dumped into a zipper storage bag.
- DO bring liquids in their original container.
- DO NOT bring needles or other ‘sharps.’ Please check with your doctor, pharmacy or law enforcement agency on how to properly dispose.
For more information, visit: http://www.saws.org/meddropsa/.